Extending Grace
Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash
I belong to a membership organization that is mostly volunteer-led. On Saturday I received the organization’s e-newsletter along with an apology for it being sent a second time due to errors in the first iteration.
The newsletter editor went on to explain that she had accidentally sent an unedited draft, rather than the final edited version. She apologized profusely.
I happen to know the editor and she is a tireless volunteer. I also know her well enough to have read between the lines that she was really beating herself up for having originally distributed a less than perfect newsletter.
As a recovering perfectionist, as well as someone who has produced my fair share of newsletters, I felt empathy for this volunteer. I sent her a quick email, thanking her for the many ways she supports the organization. I added that I hoped she could extend herself some grace. She wrote back within the hour to tell me she “getting there” in letting it go, and that my message helped her.
One of the ways I let go of my errors (most of the time) is to apply the Five Year Rule. After doing what I can to correct the mistake, I ask myself, “Will this matter in five years?” If not, I lick my wounds for about 20 minutes, then let it go. I am learning to apply the Five Year Rule to errors made by others as well.
My question for you: have you or someone you know made a mistake that would benefit from your grace? Letting go will lighten your load. Trust me, I know this from experience.