Why Hate Mondays?

While at the grocery store Friday night I saw a man wearing a t-shirt that said, “I Hate Mondays.”

Perhaps this man grabbed the first clean shirt he found in his closet. Or maybe he really hates Mondays so much that he wants the world to know. Either way, he was advertising a negative mindset.

I thought about that man and his shirt over the weekend. Here are some of my random ruminations:

  • I’m grateful to have a life that doesn’t cause me to hate Mondays. I find the start of a work week to be filled with possibilities.

  • I am excited for my coaching clients who are creating lives they love.

  • I plan my week on the prior Friday. On Mondays I am raring to go!

  • The most mundane job can be approached with enthusiasm.

  • If you don’t like your current situation, create a course of action and change it.

  • I want to find a shirt that says, “I Love Mondays.”


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