An Example of My Becoming Shouldless Self-Work

I had to discover how a seemingly negative situation could be turned into a gift.

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This past December through March I was an almost full-time caregiver for my mom. Anyone who has cared for an older adult knows that this is a rewarding, challenging, and scary assignment. I experienced a few low days, but those didn't morph into low weeks and months. I credit my faith in God and my Becoming Shouldless/Mental Fitness work for that.

I believe most negative thought comes from judging myself, others, or a situation. In this case, my temptation was to judge the situation of a broken hip, a compression fracture, and a staph infection. I was in need of all the Mental Fitness I could muster.

Mental Fitness: The capacity to respond to life's challenges with positive rather than negative mindset.

One way I practiced Mental Fitness techniques during my time as a caregiver was to reframe the negative and look at the gifts, such as:

  • The gift of being able to work remotely

  • The understanding that was shown to me when I had to reschedule two live speaking engagements

  • The gift of giving service to my mother. She has done so much for me in my life, I was given a tangible way of saying, "thank you"

  • Gratitude for my sister who helped me strategize around medication protocols, and who gave me 24-hour breaks from caregiving

  • Back at my house, hubs has become a fabulous house cleaner!

My personal work around Becoming Shouldless with Mental Fitness has greatly supported me, and I have become an evangelist for sharing this work with others. It is a pleasure to coach my clients utilizing the Mental Fitness operating system.

Curious if Becoming Shouldless with Mental Fitness can help you live with more ease and flow? I hope you'll join me via Zoom on May 11 at noon central time to learn more. Here's the link to grab your free ticket:


Why Hate Mondays?


You can enjoy the holidays without shoulding on yourself. Here’s how.