Finishing Unfinished Business
I finished this quilt top on Saturday. It was more than 18 months in the making. I’m a kinesthetic learner, and written instructions have always challenged me. About a year ago this project became “too hard” and I boxed it up in frustration. I kept the box in view, a constant reminder of an unfinished project.
A few weeks ago I decided I wasn’t going to be defeated by written instructions that I found difficult, and I got back to work. I was surprised that it was easy this go-around. Maybe I was in a better mental state to concentrate on it.
Even though it was beginning to come together, I didn’t think I was going to like the finished product. I decided to keep working anyway, just to hone my skills. You know what? Now that it’s finished, I love it—mistakes and all. Once I quilt it, I am giving it to my mom.
In life, sometimes we go through hard stuff and can’t imagine getting on the other side. But if we keep going, what’s on the other side can be a stronger, smarter, more resilient you.
Don’t give up on yourself. Keep going.